B. Wayne Bisbee
A mostrar 25–48 de 52 resultados
Missa Brevis
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Moh Lee Hwah
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Moh Lee Hwah
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My Heart’s in the Highlands
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Night Song
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Nursery Songs for Young Choirs
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O Savior of Our Fallen Race 8 Handbells
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On Christmas Night
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On Christmas Night
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Psalm 150
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Resonet In Laudibus
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Rock, Little Babe
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Rondo Del Espanol
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Sing for Joy to God Our Strength
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Sing for Joy to God Our Strength Brass quartet – 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones
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The Merry Month of May
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The Shadows Are Falling
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The Shadows Are Falling -Strings Violin 1, Violin 2, Cello
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The Shadows Are Falling Oboe, Bassoon or Bb Clarinet or Viola- 2 Violins, Cello may substitute for Keyboard
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The Wind
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Three Fanfares
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Two Christmas Pieces for Flute and Organ